Gastric balloon

Obera system

The intra-gastric balloon device (Obera system) is a temporary weight loss procedure. It is utilised to help patient kick start their weight loss program and or to provide initial weight loss in a severely morbidly obese as a bridge to definitive surgery to make it safer.

The procedure is performed under sedation. An inflatable balloon is placed in the stomach under the guidance of a gastroscope. The balloon itself is then filled with normal saline and blue dye up to a range of 400mls to 700mls depending on the size of the stomach. It must be remove in six months time. The balloon can be replaced every six months should the patient desire to have it for a longer period. Complications such as gastric erosion, gastric perforation, gastric balloon rupture and migration causing small bowel obstruction are possible but extremely rare.

The most common symptoms are nausea, abdominal cramp and vomiting as the body tries to empty the balloon out of the stomach. Patients are usually very uncomfortable in the first week, about 5% of patients require early removal due to intolerance of the device. The average weight loss is approximately 10 to 15kg or 10% of initial weight at 6 months. Most of the weight loss are within the first 2 months and slow down on subsequent months.

What is ORBERA®?

The ORBERA® Managed Weight Loss Program is a medical procedure for weight loss that focuses on developing long-term, sustainable, healthy habits. The comprehensive, two-part program starts with a soft, intra-gastric balloon placed in your stomach for six months to encourage portion control. Our team of experts are here to support & help guide you through the process.

The second part of the program is very important because it helps you maintain the weight loss. We will work with you to guide you through the process of developing a customised diet & exercise program and support you in making healthy lifestyle choices.


ORBERA® is a non-surgical, temporary device designed to boost your current weight loss efforts during the 12-month program. While it isn’t a permanent device, it allows you to learn portion control and develop healthy changes in your eating habits that can last well beyond the 6 month balloon placement.

Placement of the balloon generally takes around 20 minutes during which you will be lightly sedated. The deflated balloon is inserted into your stomach through your mouth, endoscopically. Immediately after the balloon is placed and filled with sterile salt water, you will regain complete awareness and remain in the clinic for observation until the doctor discharges you. The ORBERA® balloon is removed through the mouth in a similar manner, under the same supervised conditions

Weight Loss with ORBERA®

Clinical evidence suggests an average of 10-15kg in 6 months, however this is dependent on the patients starting weight and how well they adapt to the lifestyle changes.

After 12 months with the ORBERA® two-part program, patients lost over 3 times the weight of diet and exercise alone.

How is ORBERA® performed?

The procedure is performed via gastroscopy under light sedation, in which the Orbera® balloon is inserted into your stomach via your mouth, and usually takes around 20 minutes. After 6 months, the intra-gastric balloon is removed and your support team will continue to guide you toward making healthy lifestyle choices.

Is ORBERA® proven?

It has been evaluated in over 230 global clinical studies with studies showing an average weight loss of 10-15kg in the 6-month time frame. There has been over 220,000 procedures performed worldwide across 20 years, and with ORBERA®, 70 to 80 percent of weight loss typically occurs during the first three months of treatment, so having a team of experts to help you overcome the challenges of retraining your appetite, adopt new nutritional habits, and establishing a reasonable exercise routine will be essential to meet your long-term weight loss goals.

How does Orbera® compare with diet & exercise, or other weight loss programs?

You can expect to lose 3.1x the weight with Orbera® than you would with diet and exercise alone. Many diet programs are difficult to maintain and you struggle with feeling hungry. With Orbera® you eat smaller meals, because the balloon takes up space in your stomach. You are able to control your eating, learn portion control and make healthy changes in your eating habits.

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the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons