Obesity in Australia

The increasing problem of obesity in our community?

The increasing problem of obesity in our community?
Australia is today ranked as one of the fattest nations in the developed world. The prevalence of obesity in Australia has more than doubled in the past 20 years.

Diseases Attributable to Obesity
Psychosocial effects

  • Depression
  • Low self-esteem
  • Poor body image
  • Reduced employment opportunity
  • Reduced social opportunity
  • Social isolation

Health Benefits of weight loss

  • Type II Diabetes- 2/3 become normoglycaemic with Normal fasting
  • BG, serum insulin, Hba1c levels
  • Abnormal lipidaemia – normalised
  • Hypertension – 59% off all medications
  • Reflux oesophagitis – 89% controlled symptoms
  • Asthma – 1/3 no further symptoms
  • Depression – Major reductions with 75% normal
  • Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis – >50% complete resolution
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome – 90% resolved
  • Sleep apnoea – 74% no longer needed CPAP
  • Quality of Life – Sf-36 health questionaire normalises
  • Osteoarthritis

1 Wendy Brown et al Australian Family Physician, 2006; 35(8): 584-586.

Changing Perceptions of the Seriously Overweight


  • Obesity seen as a weakness or failure of individual
  • Diet and exercise were prescribed treatments
  • Weight loss surgery viewed as dangerous and extreme


  • Obesity is considered a disease and the cause of many serious health conditions
  • Surgery has gained acceptance as a proven method to treat this disease
  • But surgical treatment is not for all obese patients

Surgical treatment options


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